Chuck Herring picture

Meet The Pastor

Dr. Chuck Herring

Senior Pastor

After receiving his degree from Mississippi State, he went on to coach high school football for 8 seasons. One summer, God called an audible and led him to preach. He resigned from his coaching position and moved to New Orleans where he received his Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry degrees from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He has been pastoring churches ever since. 

For the last two decades, he has led CFBC as our Senior Pastor. He and his wife, Darlene, still love Mississippi State football and spending every Sunday afternoon with their family and grandkids. His chief focus is knowing Jesus and making Him known.

Get to know our Pastor

Birthday: March 4

Originally from: Saltillo, Mississippi

Education background: B.S. from Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS • M.Ed. from Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS • M.Div. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA • D.Min. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA

Ministry background: Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church, Folsome, LA, 1984-86 • Pastor of Mullins Station Baptist Church, Memphis, TN, 1986-94 • Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Richland, MS, 1994-2003

I started working for CFBC: March 16, 2003

My family: My wife, Darlene; our daughter Heather (and her husband Vic Shivers) and our son Zac (and his wife Tina); and our grandchildren, Cade, Aynsley and Laken.

My role at CFBC: God has called me to CFBC to provide spiritual leadership, to preach the Word, to minister to those in need and to challenge the Body to make a kingdom difference in the world.

Personal story: I was a high school football coach and teacher when God called me to preach at the age of 30.  Darlene and I prayed through this matter of God’s call and felt impressed that this was God’s will for our lives.  I resigned my coaching and teaching job and moved my family to New Orleans where I pursued a Master of Divinity degree.  My goal is to serve Jesus faithfully until the day I die or He comes again!

Favorite book of the Bible: Gospel of John

Recent books I’ve enjoyed: Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas, Life on Mission by Justin Willis and Aaron Coe, Spiritual Warfare by Jerry Rankin

Most fulfilling part of my job: Standing before God’s people on Sunday and proclaiming His Word in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual gifts: Prophecy, leadership and teaching.

The best way to pray for me: 
• Pray that God will fill me with the Holy Spirit
• Pray that God will guide and anoint my preaching
• Pray that the Lord will give me opportunities to lead many people to Christ
• Pray that the Lord will bring about explosive spiritual and numerical growth at CFBC

Meet our Team

God has blessed Collierville with an incredible leadership team.
Take a second to put a face with a name.

Support Ministry

Sam Nichols

Executive Pastor

Amy Bradham

Financial Manager

Jean Ann Rush

Financial Ministry Assistant
Ernestine Glover

Ernestine Glover


Jennifer Goodwin

Bookstore Manager

Tomasz Wilczynski

Facility Manager

Ed Reed

Mission Strategist

Next Gen Ministry

Will McKay

Next Gen Pastor

Zach Tucker

Active Families Pastor

Al Baker

Young Families/Recreation Pastor

Whitney McGill

Young Families/Special Needs Director

Darlene Stroud

Preschool Ministry Director

Steffeny Sheals

Director of Weekday Education

Tiffany Essary

Next Gen Ministry Assistant

Kelly Riley

Next Gen Ministry Assistant

Carol Unrine

Next Gen Ministry Assistant

Carol Unrine

Next Gen Ministry Assistant

Anna Biggs

Director of Girls' Ministry

Connect Ministry

Dr. John Aaron Matthew

Discipleship & Missions Pastor

Les Helton

Senior & Mature Adults Pastor
Amy Dobson

Amy Dobson

Women's Ministry Director

Anna Payne

Data & Communication Specialist
Kathy Pierce

Kathy Pierce

Connect Ministry Assistant

Mandy Bilbrey

Connect Ministry Assistant

Kaitlin Hale

Data & Communications Ministry Assistant

Gretchen Roberts

Communication Specialist

Worship Ministry

Dr. Joshua McClain

Worship Pastor
Laura Junkins

Laura Junkins

Worship Ministry Assistant

Bob Rice

Orchestra Director

Kurt Moore

Media Director

Nicole Moore

CREW 82/Children's Worship Choir

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