Our Senior Families involve a wide variety of stages of life–from those working and actively involved in their children’s lives, to long-retired individuals. But all offer years of wisdom and experience in walking with the Lord and seeing His handiwork in their lives. As a group, we continue to stay active learning, growing and serving.
Meeting each Sunday morning, these classes provide a personal touch to each senior adult while also providing fellowship, accountability, great Bible teaching and lasting friendships. Many of our seniors teach classes from babies on up, providing a ministry to families of all ages.
It’s great to gather for a delicious meal and some inspiring music or good laughs, as we call our evening events “Gatherings”. The programs involve our own talented folks singing or making you laugh. Being in the evening allows more working folks to attend and enjoy.
Several Day Trips are planned throughout the year that include a venue close by or a special site a little drive away. We always enjoy a good meal while out, but the fellowship is such a blessing.
Overnight Trips are planned where we see God’s beautiful creation, enjoy some shows, experience historical sites, and, of course, eat some good food! We make use of a comfortable motorcoach when we travel to help make our whole experience pleasant.
One annual event is our Senior Adult Retreat, with rich teaching from God’s word, sweet fellowship, and site-seeing. This is a four-day trip to a fun place within a day’s motorcoach ride.
A team of ministers, deacons and lay people regularly visit those in need of encouragement. These range from homebound, hospital stays, and any special needs that may arise in someone’s life where prayer and encouragement go a long way.
Missions is at the core of what we do. We also recognize that some senior adults have special needs and we strive to meet those needs as we are able. Below you can find a list of regular missions opportunities.
When home repair needs arise involving a widow, homebound couple, or single mom, a team of workers is available to help with most maintenance. The homeowner understands that they pay for all materials, but the labor is a gift of love.
We contact from a team of servants who can drive someone to an appointment and/or go run errands for them.
Volunteers deliver on a weekly basis hot meals to homebound individuals.
A summer ministry involves volunteering for a week at Ridgecrest Conference Center in beautiful Black Mountain, NC. From scooping ice cream, pulling weeds, greeting guests, or serving coffee, you are part of a large spiritual growing experience for so many.
Our fall mission trip is to an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry processing center, usually Dallas, Atlanta, or Boone, NC. Held the week after Thanksgiving, this group travels to a site where shoeboxes are collected and inspected before going all over the world to share the Gospel with children and their families. It is two days of assembly line type work, with some site-seeing included.
A new ministry that will certainly be held on a regular basis is Prayer and Pancakes, a free home-cooked breakfast provided for families of sports teams in our recreation ministry. We pray for them and show our appreciation.